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OFFICIAL: Lionel Messi leaves to be player of the FC Barcelona

OFFICIAL: Lionel Messi leaves to be player of the FC Barcelona


Lionel Messi, captain of the FC Barcelona

Published:5/08/2021 – 19:54h

Updated:5/08/2021 – 20:12h

The FC Barcelona has confirmed through a communiqué that Leo Messi has left to be player of the Barcelona entity, putting end to his path like culé

The nightmare of the FC Barcelona has gone back real. This Thursday, the Barcelona club has issued an official communiqué confirming that Leo Messi has left to be player of the discipline culé. It has been a vase of cold water for the club, that had arrived to an agreement with the Argentinian to seal his continuity but the limitantes economic have been of by half, finish like this a glorious stage of the Argentinian in the club of his life.

In the communiqué that has issued the club, has desvelado that “apesar to have arrived to an agreement between the FC Barcelona and Leo Messi and with the clear intention of both parts to sign a new agreement in the day of today, will not be able to formalise because of economic and structural obstacles (rule of LaLiga Spanish)”.

To his time, aimed that “in front of this situation, Lionel Messi will not continue tied to the FC Barcelona. The two parts regret deeply that finally they can not fulfil the wishes so much of the player as of the Club”, adding that “the Barça wants to appreciate of all heart the contribution of the player to the engrandecimiento of the institution and wishes him the best in his personal and professional life”, sentenced.

It is a news that arrives after the negotiations had collapsed during a meeting that took place this Thursday in Barcelona. The club had communicated to Jorge Messi, agent and father of ‘The Flea’ the difficulties of the club to inscribe to the player in his staff and the Argentinian gave by finished the negotiations.

End of an era

Leo Messi is a synonymous of history for the Barça. The Argentinian landed to the City Condal when it was to penalties a boy and has won it absolutely everything, in addition to turning into the main reference of the hisotria of the Barcelona. It has won a total of 35 titles, in which they include seven Glasses of Rey, 10 Leagues, 4 Champions Bequeath, 3 World-wide of Clubs, 3 Supercopas of Europe and 8 Supercopas of Spain.

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